Sunday, February 17, 2008

Walked around Siena today

Originally uploaded by Bueno Snippy Snappy

It’s official. It’s freezing here. I know that I probably look like a huge bear walking down Siena but this weather is not for people from Southern California that also get cold easily. I told Carla (the lady that is hosting me) last night that I was going to get up at 7 AM, have breakfast with her, and walk around town. Well, it didn’t quite happen that way. I did wake up at 7, used the bathroom, laid back down, and the next thing that I knew was that my mobile was ringing and that it was 11 AM. I missed the cappuccino hour and so today I will settle for a regular coffee. This coffee, in my opinion by the way for the coffee drinkers, just blows your mind. I’ve always thought that coffee was coffee until I got to Italy.
As you have probably noticed, I have located an internet point. There were many choices to choose from but I wanted one where I could plug in my own laptop. That way I could blog the entries offline, connect, and upload/fine-tune the entries when I got to the internet point. There isn’t any all you can eat plan here; this is metered access. Of all the places that I have been in the world, it’s only in the states that we I have ever found unmetered all you can download access. Score one for the states on that. So, because of this metered access, I try to prepare as much offline. I really doubt that it is saving me any money but it’s something that I cannot mentally get out of my mind. The good thing about metered access for me is that it forces me to converse with people.
When you walk around a town like Siena, it’s an unbelievable collage of old/new, classic/modern, interesting/strange. This interesting facet of a city like Siena will never be lost on me. I think that I will always appreciate the antique buildings that also have modern conveniences. (Generally speaking, it’s great to see a building last 10 years or more in Southern California.) I’ve posted a few of the pictures of Siena to Flickr and the DotMac Web Gallery. I’m definitely not finished with walking around and plan to photograph as many of the interesting sites as possible.

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